iOS APP iCON edit


iOS APP icon edit

Action Items

  • App Icons Source
  • Launch Images Source
  • Icon resize support

Quick Start

APP Icons Source

Target -> General -> App Icons and Launch Images -> App Icons Source

Device icon size
iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6 Plus 180px by 180px
iPhone 6s, iPhone 6, iPhone SE 120px by 120px
iPad Pro 167px by 167px
iPad, iPad mini 152px by 152px
App Store 1024px by 1024px

Launch Images Source

Target -: General -> App Icons and Launch Images -> Launch Images Source

Device Portrait size Landscape size
iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6 Plus 1080px by 1920px 1920px by 1080px
iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 750px by 1334px 1335px by 750px
iPhone SE 640px by 1136px 1136px by 640px
12.9-inch iPad Pro 2048px by 2732px 2732px by 2048px
9.7-inch iPad Pro, iPad Air2, iPad mini4, iPad mini2 1536px by 2048px 2048px by 1536px

Icon resize tool

Icon resize for mobile app developer:

iOS Splash Screen Generator:


  1. 1. Target
  2. 2. Action Items
  3. 3. Quick Start
    1. 3.1. APP Icons Source
    2. 3.2. Launch Images Source
    3. 3.3. Icon resize tool
  4. 4. Reference